
King Television

God has given us a vision to take the Gospel to every home and make every home a House Of The Lord.


Our Mission

Our mission is to make Jesus known all over the world. Today , there are thousands of people far from Lord, king Television will reveal the Good News of Jesus Christ. king Television will provide tools to help them give their life to Jesus, know who they are in Christ and become a part of His kingdom family.




we are covering

Afghanistan +93
Armenia +374
Australia +61
Azerbaijan +994
Aland Islands +93
Aland Islands +93
Albania +93
Algeria +93
Andorra +93
American Samoa +93
Angola +93
Anguilla +93
Antarctica +93
American Samoa +93
Antigua and Barbuda +93
Argentina +93
Aruba +93
Austria +93
Bahrain +973
Bangladesh +880
Bhutan +975
Brunei +673
Bahamas +93
Barbados +93
Belarus +93
Belgium +93
Belize +93
Benin +93
Bermuda +93
Bolivia +93
Bosnia and Herzegovina +93
Botswana +93
Bouvet Island +93
Brazil +93
British Indian Ocean Territory +93
British Virgin Islands +93
Bulgaria +93
Burkina Faso +93
Burundi +93
Cambodia +855
China +86
Cyprus +357
Caledonia +93
Cameroon +93
Canada +93
Cape Verde +93
Caribbean Netherlands +93
Cayman Islands +93
Central African Republic +93
Chad +93
Chile +93
Colombia +93
Comoros +93
Cook Islands +93
Costa Rica +93
Croatia.png +93
Cuba +93
Cura莽ao +93
Czechia +93
C么te d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) +93
Djibouti +253
Denmark +93
Denmark +93
Dominica +93
east timor +670
Egypt +20
Eritrea +291
Ethiopia +251
Ecuador +93
England +93
Equatorial Guinea +93
Estonia +93
Eswatini (Swaziland) +93
Fiji +679
Falkland Islands(Swaziland) +93
Faroe Islands +93
Finland +93
France +93
French Guiana +93
French Polynesia +93
French Southern and Antarctic Lands +93
Gaza Strip +970
Georgia +995
Guam +1
Guinea +224
Gabon +93
Germany +93
Ghana +93
Gibraltar +93
Greece +93
Greenland +93
Guadeloupe +93
Guatemala +93
Guernsey +93
Guyana +93
Haiti +93
Heard Island and McDonald Islands +93
Honduras +93
Hong Kong +93
Hungary +93
India +91
Indonesia +62
Iran +98
Iraq +964
Israel +972
Iceland +93
Ireland +93
Isle of Man +93
Italy +93
Japan +81
Jamaica +93
Jersey +93
Israel +972
Jordan +962
Kazakhstan +7
Kenya +254
Kiribati +686
Kuwait +965
Kyrgyzstan +996
Kosovo +972
Laos +856
Lebanon +961
Latvia +93
Lesotho +93
Liberia +93
Libya +93
Liechtenstein +93
Lithuania +93
Luxembourg +93
Malaysia +60
Maldives +960
Mariana Islands +1
Marshall Islands +692
Micronesia +691
Mongolia +976
Myanmar +95
Macau +93
Madagascar +93
Malawi +93
Mali +93
Malta +93
Martinique +93
Mauritania +93
Mauritius +93
Mayotte +93
Mexico +93
Moldova +93
Monaco +93
Montenegro +93
Montserrat +93
Morocco +93
Mozambique +93
Nauru +674
New Caledonia +687
New Zealand +64
North Korea +850
Namibia +93
Nepal +93
Netherlands +93
Nicaragua +93
Niger +93
Nigeria +93
Niue +93
Norfolk Island +93
North Macedonia +93
Northern Ireland +93
Northern Mariana Islands +93
Norway +93
Oman +968
Pakistan +92
Palestine +93
Panama +93
Paraguay +93
Peru +93
Poland +93
Portugal +93
Puerto Rico +93
Pitcairn Islands +93
Palau +680
Papua New Guinea +675
Philippines +63
Qatar +974
Russia +7
Republic of the Congo +93
Romania +93
Rwanda +93
Réunion +93
Seychelles +248
Singapore +65
Solomon Islands +677
Somalia +252
South Korea +82
South Sudan +211
Sri Lanka +94
Sudan +249
Syria +963
Saint Barthélemy +93
Saint Barthélemy +93
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha +93
Saint Kitts and Nevis +93
Saint Lucia +93
Saint Martin +93
Saint Pierre and Miquelon +93
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines +93
Samoa +93
San Marino +93
Saudi Arabia +93
Scotland +93
Senegal +93
Serbia +93
Sierra Leone +93
Sint Maarten +93
Slovakia.png +93
Slovenia +93
South Africa +93
South Georgia +93
Spain +93
Svalbard and Jan Mayen +93
Sweden +93
Switzerland +93
São Tomé and Príncipe +93
Taiwan +886
Tajikistan +992
Thailand +66
Tonga +676
Turkey +90
Turkmenistan +993
Tuvalu +688
Taiwan +93
Tanzania +93
Timor-Leste +93
Togo +93
Tokelau +93
Trinidad and Tobago +93
Tunisia +93
Turks and Caicos Islands +93
U.A. Emirates +971
Uganda +256
Ukraine +380
Uzbekistan +998
Uganda +256
U.A. Emairates +93
United Arab Emirates +93
United Kingdom +93
United States Minor Outlying Islands +93
United States Virgin Islands +93
United States +93
Uruguay +93
Vanuatu +678
Vietnam +84
Vatican City (Holy See) +93
Venezuela +93
Wallis and Futuna +681
Wales +93
Wallis and Futuna +93
west bank +970
Yemen +967
Zambia +93
Zimbabwe +93